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Euphoric Brothers

Fan-Made Content Policy
The Euphoric Brothers deeply value and appreciate our passionate fan community. The creativity and enthusiasm of our fans are unparalleled, and we acknowledge the strong desire to create artwork and other content inspired by our intellectual property.
This policy outlines what you can and cannot do with Euphoric Brothers Ltd.'s intellectual property and aims to balance your creative freedom with our legal rights.
As a general rule, the unauthorized use of our video games, including their characters, names, logos, artwork, videos, music, and other intellectual property, is a violation of our legal rights and may result in appropriate action. However, in the spirit of encouraging our fan community and supporting the incredible creations shared within it, we have developed this Fan-Made Content (FMC) Policy. This policy aims to strike a balance between fostering a fan-friendly environment and maintaining necessary safeguards for the intellectual property we’ve dedicated significant time, effort, and resources to develop.
The Euphoric Brothers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to update, revise, supplement, or modify this FMC Policy at any time. We will notify you of updates through our website, euphoricbrothers.com, typically via the “Last Updated” date at the bottom of this page. Unless stated otherwise, updates will take effect upon your acceptance (e.g., by creating FMC). Already-existing FMC must choose between adhering to the conditions of this policy or be deemed noncompliant.
This policy outlines the permitted and prohibited uses of Euphoric Brothers intellectual property. By engaging in FMC creation, you agree to abide by these terms, including all warranties and representations within this policy. The Euphoric Brothers retain the right to revoke your permission to create FMC at any time and for any reason without a requirement to disclose said reason, as necessary, to protect and enforce its intellectual property rights.
Restrictions include:​
​​No FMC is permitted to be subject to any form of commercial or monetary use.
No FMC is permitted to imply that it is official or endorsed by the Euphoric Brothers.
No FMC is permitted to contain obscene, sexual, defamatory, offensive, hateful, or harmful material, and all FMC must comply with any and all applicable laws.
No FMC is permitted to violate the rights of others in any way.
​No FMC is permitted to contain material that may be derogatory or damaging to the Garten of Banban IP.
No FMC is permitted to contain unpermitted distribution of our games.​
By participating in the generation of FMC in any form, you hereby grant Euphoric Brothers (and its affiliates and assignees) a worldwide, royalty-free, ​unlimited, exclusive, and irrevocable license and right to your FMC such that Euphoric Brothers can utilize the FMC as if Euphoric Brothers were the original creator and owner.
Most if not all FMC constitutes a derivative work of Euphoric Brothers IP, which is a right solely held by the Euphoric Brothers. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that your FMC qualifies as transformative or fair use under copyright law, you agree not to never pursue formal copyright registration for such work with any government entity, including but not limited to the U.S. Copyright Office. Additionally, you grant the Euphoric Brothers an exclusive option and right of first refusal to acquire all rights, title, and interest in and to the work.
This FMC Policy is designed to clarify the permitted and prohibited uses of Euphoric Brothers IP, making it easier for fans to share their creations. By creating FMC, you agree to allow others (including the Euphoric Brothers) to share and use your FMC without seeking your permission.
The Euphoric Brothers genuinely want to avoid legal disputes with their fans. To help avoid potential legal conflicts, we ask that you refrain from actions that could lead to such disputes. This FMC Policy exists to support the community and minimize legal complications. If the Euphoric Brothers, their affiliates, partners, or employees incur legal claims, costs, or expenses related to your FMC, you will be responsible for covering all associated costs, including attorney fees, as well as any resulting judgments or settlements.
Please note that the Euphoric Brothers retain all rights to any intellectual property not explicitly addressed in this policy. For example, the absence of a specific trademark or logo from this document does not imply a waiver of their rights. Similarly, if your FMC involves formats or monetization methods not covered by this policy, you must obtain prior written approval. When in doubt, it is always best to reach out and ask for clarification.
To ensure smooth collaboration, full compliance with this FMC Policy and all related Euphoric Brothers Agreements is strongly encouraged.
For questions please contact us at faris@euphoricbrothers.com​
Last updated: January 5th, 2025​​